A writer stands near a giant typewriter and coffee cup, ready for professional book editing.

Quick Guide to Book Editing [Complete Process & Standard Rates]

  • calenderJun 02, 2023
  • calender4 min read

The first step towards publishing your book is to edit your manuscript. What are the different processes involved in book editing and proofreading? Let’s go through them one by one.

A writer leans on a giant tablet, gazing at his finished book. He is ready for manuscript editing.

Manuscript Editing in 2023: Elevating Your Writing for Success

  • calenderJun 02, 2023
  • calender4 min read

Manuscript editing transforms your work into a compelling piece of writing. In this article, we’ll find out how it works, its significance, and the standard rates you can expect to pay.

A writer searches online for the top 10 book editing services.

Top 10 Online Book Editing Services of 2023

  • calenderMay 25, 2023
  • calender6 min read

How can you decide which book editing companies are better than others? Whether it’s a self-help book you want to publish or a novel, we’ve listed the best editing services for you to choose from.

An editor undertakes novel editing while reviewing the first draft of their novel.

Quick Guide to Novel Editing (with a Self-Editing Checklist)

  • calenderMay 19, 2023
  • calender4 min read

If the notion of novel editing fills you with dread, you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll tell you about the types of novel editing and how editing your novel can be a creative process.

Woman with a book in hand, stands against a book backdrop reading about book proofreading 101.

Book Proofreading 101: The Beginner’s Guide

  • calenderMay 03, 2023
  • calender4 min read

Errors in spelling, punctuation, and formatting take away from your hard work, and no writer wants that. Learn everything there is to know about book proofreading, from the process involved to the cost.

Top 10 Editing and Proofreading Services of 2022 | PaperTrue, Scribbr, Scribendi, Enago, Editage

The Top 10 Editing and Proofreading Services of 2023

  • calenderJan 14, 2023
  • calender5 min read

Without proofreading and editing services, you will always be 0.1% shy from your best writing. Here’s a list of all your best options, curated with care, love, and LOTS of research. 

A spotlight shines on the perfect book editor for your manuscript while others are grey and faded into the background.

How to Find the Perfect Book Editor for Your Manuscript

  • calenderNov 16, 2022
  • calender6 min read

No writer can reach their full potential without an editor that sharpens their words. But how to find a book editor that is a perfect match for not only your manuscript but also you, the writer?

A developmental editor marks errors in a manuscript.

What is Developmental Editing? A Self-Editing Checklist

  • calenderNov 14, 2022
  • calender6 min read

The cost of developmental editing usually depends on a few basic things. Let’s go through them so you have an idea of what you can do to save up on developmental editing.

Four book editors work on a manuscript. How will you hire them?

How to Hire a Book Editor in 5 Practical Steps

  • calenderApr 04, 2022
  • calender6 min read

Do you need to hire a book editor? When should you look for one? Where can you find the best book editing services, and are they worth the expense? Let’s answer these questions one by one.

How to Copyright Your Book?

If you’ve thought about copyrighting your book, you’re on the right path.

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