A writer stands near a giant typewriter and coffee cup, ready for professional book editing.

Quick Guide to Book Editing [Complete Process & Standard Rates]

  • calenderJun 02, 2023
  • calender4 min read

The first step towards publishing your book is to edit your manuscript. What are the different processes involved in book editing and proofreading? Let’s go through them one by one.

A writer leans on a giant tablet, gazing at his finished book. He is ready for manuscript editing.

Manuscript Editing in 2023: Elevating Your Writing for Success

  • calenderJun 02, 2023
  • calender4 min read

Manuscript editing transforms your work into a compelling piece of writing. In this article, we’ll find out how it works, its significance, and the standard rates you can expect to pay.

An editor stands on large books beside piles of scholarly articles, undertaking journal article proofreading.

Journal Article Proofreading: Process, Cost, & Checklist

  • calenderMay 19, 2023
  • calender5 min read

In a complicated submission process, journal article proofreading can help you eliminate the need for excessive revisions. Learn about the process of journal proofreading and how much it can cost.

A giant tablet displays errors and comments as an editor undertakes script editing for a document.

What Is Script Editing? 10 Tips to Edit Your Script

  • calenderMay 19, 2023
  • calender4 min read

While most writers choose to edit their own work, you can benefit from professional script editing. In this article, we’ll tell you what a script editor does and why you should hire one.

An editor undertakes novel editing while reviewing the first draft of their novel.

Quick Guide to Novel Editing (with a Self-Editing Checklist)

  • calenderMay 19, 2023
  • calender4 min read

If the notion of novel editing fills you with dread, you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll tell you about the types of novel editing and how editing your novel can be a creative process.

Two proofreaders view a variety of documents with a giant magnifying glass to remove all errors from them.

What Is Proofreading? A Comprehensive Guide

  • calenderFeb 17, 2023
  • calender7 min read

Straight off the bat, let’s establish that editing and proofreading are not the same. But if you were unaware of the difference, let this article be your one-stop destination to finally find out what proofreader actually does.

Top 10 Online Proofreading Services

The Top 10 Online Proofreading Services of 2023

  • calenderJan 13, 2023
  • calender5 min read

An online proofreading tool is not going to recognize the intricacies of grammar and syntax as well as an online proofreading service run by humans would. Here are some of your top options.

How did proofreading change modern publishing?

  • calenderJan 07, 2023
  • calender5 min read

What is proofreading and when did it originate? Find out how proofreading changed the modern publishing process and how it changed in the process.

A copy editor works on a laptop and four icons behind them denote copy editing for newspapers, academic documents, web copy, and books. Text in the image reads: What Is Copy Editing?

What Does a Copy Editor Do? Quick Guide to Copy Editing

  • calenderNov 17, 2022
  • calender5 min read

In this article, we’ll sort through the confusion to find a coherent copy editing definition and take a roundup of the various tasks undertaken by a copy editor.

How to Copyright Your Book?

If you’ve thought about copyrighting your book, you’re on the right path.

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